I have found that online contact forms are often unreliable, so please reach out to me at speterlewis@gmail.com
or by texting 207-239-4154. I look forward to the opportunity to help you however I can.
About Me
Contact: speterlewis@gmail.com | 207-239-4154
My spin on that old photo adage is, “A picture is worth a lifetime of curiosity and passion” and I know that my best work is still ahead of me.
I fell in love with photography when I was in high school, and have been privileged to make it both my joy and my career.
Nearly four decades into it, my greatest photographic pleasure still comes from helping people take an idea for an image (perhaps even a seemingly crazy idea) and turning it into something real—the kind of real that stops the mindless scrolling, pushes the pause button on our hectic world, and makes people’s jaws drop.
It may be as simple as the most detailed, fascinating, and beautiful photo of something ordinary (like a box), or it may be so eye-ball grabbing that no one can figure out how we did it (like the shot of me out standing in my field).
I live on an old farm in the mountains of western Maine with my beloved wife of 39 years, Karen, and we have two children and two granddaughters. We enjoy virtually every outdoor sport you can imagine and spend as much time outside as possible (except on certain days in January when we hunker down next to the woodstove.) We smile constantly.
To find out about my other creative work, visit speterlewis.com.
To find out about my heart’s passion, listen to The Dad Story Project podcast.